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Migration AVEN
Hi Czech AVEN!
I am the administrator/webmaster of french AVEN, international communicator with the help of David Jay (founder of AVEN) and Coleslaw (webmaster of AVEN). I'm contacting you because AVEN servers ( for you) will migrate this Friday at 05:00 PM PTZ on more stable and powerful servers. We see that you are not using the AVEN server for your forum (address is redirected to Is it possible for an technical administrator/webmaster to contact me by private message or email to communicate with him about this migration?
Thank you very much.

Příspěvků v tématu
Migration AVEN - od zi-diskusni-forum-mou - 15. 11. 2016, 14:40:07
RE: Migration AVEN - od ke-diskusni-forum-x!k - 16. 11. 2016, 23:44:13
RE: Migration AVEN - od ChildF-diskusni-forum-reeMan - 17. 11. 2016, 10:42:45

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